“I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in his word.  I wait for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning — more than watchmen for the morning.” - Psalms 130:5-6 CSB

To live expecting things to be as they should.  That is what we should take from this passage.  King David writes this song from a point of deep pain and suffering, but also a point of expecting God to be faithful as He has been to him in the past.  David was experiencing extreme emotions related to pain, suffering and fear, and in the midst of those feelings, he reaches out to the Lord from the depths of his being and says simply that he will wait and put his hope in God, in what God has done before, expecting Him to do it again.

We too can expect what God will do for us because of what His word tells us about His love for us, that He sent His son to save us.  We have seen that Love is the greatest of all the gifts from God and He displayed that love in sending us His son.  From here, we will continue to explore the ministry of Jesus as He walked the earth, which will reveal more and more, the promises that God has made us, has been faithful to fulfill in the past, and will always, until the end of the ages, be faithful to fulfill again.  So whatever your need, whatever your want, whatever you are going through, lean into the promise of God, and patiently wait for Him to be faithful, more than the watchmen wait for the morning.