“Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” - Matthew 2:11 CSB
When Jesus was born, many people were drawn unto Him as the long awaited and prophesied King of the Jews. Among the people who were drawn are those we know as the wise men. These men were astronomers, or people who study the stars and the universe around us. They witnessed a new star that was placed in the sky when Jesus was born and followed it from their home, until it rested above where Jesus was. They visited with Jesus and had brought many rare gifts to celebrate the new King.
This is the response that we will see many times in scripture to the reality of who Jesus is. People, when realizing that the God of the Universe is right in front of them, in the flesh, respond by worshiping Him, praising Him, and giving the best gifts that they can to Him. Today, we see this reality of who Jesus is responded to through prayer and worship, people falling to their knees to worship Jesus and sing His praise. My prayer is that if you never have (and even if you have before) met Jesus in this way, that you would get that opportunity to see Jesus for who He is, to see Him and the love that He brings to the world, and to know that love on a personal level, in a way that it permeates every aspect of who you are as a person and changes your world.