“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped inside her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” - Luke 1:41 CSB

We recently looked at some verses about responses to the presence of Jesus and this verse looks at that response even while He was still in His mother’s womb.  We are going to be looking at parts of the ministry of John the Baptist in the coming days and this verse also introduces him.  He was the child in Elizabeth who leaped at simply hearing the greeting of Jesus’ mother, Mary.  When Jesus came near him, even as child still in the womb, John recognized His savior and responded.

Oh that we would recognize our Savior in this way and respond to His presence.  That when we hear His voice, feel His presence, feel His touch, that we would leap for joy at the knowledge that the Savior of the World is among us and that He has come to set us free.  That we would be filled with the Holy Spirit and prepared to do what God has called us to do.