I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.”  - Genesis 3:15 CSB

Very early on in creation we see the foretelling of the story to come.  The story of Jesus and what he would do at the cross for humanity.  This story begins because of the deception of the devil towards Eve in the Garden of Eden.  Because of that deception, there would be a hostility between the devil and the woman and her offspring to come.  That a day has been foretold that the offspring of the woman would deal a fatal blow to the head of the serpent as the serpent would deal a wound to the heel of the woman’s offspring.  

At the cross, where Jesus became the sin of the world, we see His hands and feet pierced, which represents the striking of the heel.  The devil had plunged humanity into sin through temptation, and as such created the need for the cross where Jesus' heel is struck.  But wouldn’t we know it, in God’s perfect planning, that the act of striking the heel of Jesus only proved to bring about the ultimate sacrifice of love, an unblemished lamb, to defeat sin and the devil once and for all, striking the head of the serpent and redeeming humanity.  When Jesus said, “It Is Finished” on the cross, giving up His final breath, He was speaking the finality of this, and many other prophetic words throughout history.