“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” - Romans 10:13 CSB

How great does that sound?!?  Everyone, not some, not those who are special, not those who meet some standard first, but quite literally everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved by Him.  You might ask how is this possible or why would it be so simple.  The answer to that is also quite simple.  We have spent a lot of time as a people making this part of following Jesus all too complicated.  That simple answer you ask, it is found in John 19:30: “When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.”

The work He did, and that only He could do, on the cross is what allows for us to be saved.  Everyone of us that would call on His name and believe in Him can be saved because we already have been saved through the work Christ has done.  Our part is to accept that gift and then live our lives for Him.  The acceptance of that gift, encounter with the love of Jesus, and filling with His Spirit will compel us to serve Him in the ways that He has called us each to do.  Praise God that we can be saved, simply by receiving what has already been given freely to us.