“When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.” - Hosea 11:1 CSB
Chapter 11 of the book Hosea tells the story of a lost and troubled nation, Israel, rebellious against God in many ways. The highlight of this story however, is not the punishment that would typically have been known to come along with such rebellion, but rather the grace and the love that God has chosen to show to this nation whom He Himself has called out of Egypt. The story is of a parent who chooses love and grace rather than wrath and punishment towards a rebellious child.
We can again see the story being foretold of Christ’s coming to the world, to redeem a nation and a people who have turned our backs on him much like the nation of Israel in this chapter. When He came, He did not do so out of vengeance and a desire to punish or pour out His wrath, but rather to show love to all. To heal the sick and broken, to call His people into the greatness that was desired when God promised Abram that the entire world would be blessed through him and the nation that was created.